Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Belated Thank Yous!

Dear Families of Room 24,

This is a belated note of thanks. First of all, I dropped all of the Adopt-a-Family gifts off at the collection site Saturday. Coincidentally, there was another local agency doing their gift give-away a few doors down. There were many families lined up, waiting their turn to receive their gifts. It was the perfect compliment to my dropping off process. Thank you for your generosity in making another family's holiday brighter! My one disappointment was I completely forgot to take a photo of our kids in front of all of the presents.....that they wrapped.

Another thanks for the wonderful books from the book fair. I'm half way through Bob (yes, I do read kid books, too) and the picture books are all written by some of my favorite authors.  We do love the book fair!

We've been finishing ongoing projects. As a teacher you always hope to time completion of projects with holidays. It often takes some maneuvering.  The kids are to be complimented; they've risen to the occasion beautifully. We will end with some time to spare, hence the 'stuffie condo' project you may have heard about? We have a playground, a bus, and many cool 'condos' underway in room 24.

The kids' expert books (nonfiction!) are almost completed and they make me smile. Most of them reflect an interest developed with you. I view these little books as a love letter to your family. They know a lot about their topics, which represent time spent with you. I love these books. And, many have 'great beginnings', decent paragraphs, and 'endings that offer a conclusion and don't just stop'! A bonus!

We've finished another unit in our math book, taken the assessment, and corrected the same assessment. I'm pleased to say that everyone did well. They will come home for review after break.

Room 24 finished their science rotation with Mrs. Shern and will begin with Mrs. Fisher after break.

We also finished Because of Winn Dixie. Many of the kids have seen the movie, so I suspect many of you have, too? It is a story of the redemptive power of love, but it is sooo sad! I hadn't read it in a long time. There is a part in the book where the father cries, something long overdue. We had an interesting talk about why men don't cry, but boys do. When I asked them why they thought this was so, one student offered up the suggestion that 'they grow up'. So, dads, my challenge to you is to let your children see you be emotional! If you need any help, just read Because of Winn Dixie!

I hope all of you have a wonderful holiday filled with family, food and fun.
See you in the new year.

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